Some times its just easier to use command line tools then using WMI. This simple script migrates out shared folder system into the new structure that is the teachers name with two folders underneath it.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set folder = fso.GetFolder("f:\shares\") rcopy = "robocopy /e /zb /move /r:1 /w:1 " For each folderIdx In folder.SubFolders "net share " & folderIdx.Name & " \\servername /delete", 1 , true if instr(1,folderIdx.Name,"_drop",1) <> 0 then fteacher = replace(folderIdx.Name,"_drop","",1,-1,1) rcopy & folderIdx.path & " f:\transportshare\" & fteacher & "_transport\DropBox\", 1, true elseif instr(1,folderIdx.Name,"_ffs",1) <> 0 then fteacher = replace(folderIdx.Name,"_ffs","",1,-1,1) rcopy & folderIdx.path & " f:\transportshare\" & fteacher & "_transport\FFS\", 1, true end if Next