Dell Quick Connect Account Maintenance

Here is a group of Powershell scripts I wrote for account maintenance utilizing Dell Quick Connect

List accounts older than 2 years to remove HomeDirectory

#two years
$DaysInactive = 730
$lastLogonTimestamp= $srcObj["lastLogonTimestamp"]
$pwdLastSet = $srcObj["pwdLastSet"]

$response = $FALSE
$LastLoginResponse = $FALSE
$pwdLastSetResponse = $FALSE

	$LastLogonConverted = [datetime]::FromFileTime([int64]::Parse($lastLogonTimestamp))
	if( ((get-date) - $LastLogonConverted ).days  -ge $DaysInactive ){
		$LastLoginResponse = $TRUE

	$pwdLastSetConverted = [datetime]::FromFileTime([int64]::Parse($pwdLastSet))
	if( ((get-date) - $pwdLastSetConverted ).days  -ge $DaysInactive ){
		$pwdLastSetResponse = $TRUE

if($LastLoginResponse -or $pwLastSetResponse){
	$response = $TRUE


Based on the OU determine HomeDirectory Location

$ParentPath = $dstObj["distinguishedName"]
$Path = ""

    if($ParentPath.Contains("Admins") -or $ParentPath.Contains("Staff") ){
        $Path = "\\fs-c108-01\staff_home$\"
        $Path = "\\fs-c108-04\faculty_home$\"
    }elseif($ParentPath.Contains("Students") -or $ParentPath.Contains("Seminar")){
        $Path = "\\fs-c108-03\student_home$\"
        Write-Error "Cannot Find Where to Put Home Directory"

    $Path +=  $dstObj["sAMAccountName"]
    Write-Error "ParentPath Null"


Create HomeDirectory and Assign Permissions

$ParentPath = $srcObj["distinguishedName"]
$User = $srcObj["sAMAccountName"] 
$DomainUser = "fitsuny\"

$DomainUser += $User

$Path = ""

	if($ParentPath.Contains("Admins") -or $ParentPath.Contains("Staff") ){
		$Path = "\\fs-c108-01\staff_home$\"
 		$Path = "\\fs-c108-04\faculty_home$\"
	}elseif($ParentPath.Contains("Students") -or $ParentPath.Contains("Seminar")){
		$Path = "\\fs-c108-03\student_home$\"
 		Write-Error "Cannot Find Where to Put Home Directory"

$Path +=  $srcObj["sAMAccountName"]
 Write-Error "ParentPath Null"

$HasDir  = Test-Path $Path

 Write-Error "Directory Exists"
 New-Item $Path -type directory
    $acl = Get-Acl $Path
 	$rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($DomainUser,"FullControl", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")

    Set-Acl $Path $acl

Remove HomeDirectory

$Path = $dstObj["Path"]
$Folder = $dstObj["Folder"]

$FullPath = $Path
$FullPath += $Folder

#Not Stable
#Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $FullPath

cmd /c rd /s /q $FullPath

$HasDir  = Test-Path $FullPath
 Throw "Unable to delete home directory"

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